Tuesday 9 June 2015

Is The Merchant of Venice a Tragedy or Comedy?

In my opinion I feel that the Merchant of Venice is both a tragedy and a comedy. Due to the sad ending of Shylock's tale and fight for revenge, the large crowds of people in the court, and the suspense created, the play would be considered a tragedy. But because of the other character's happier endings, the play would be considered a comedy. Throughout the play, there was also numerous jokes said by the characters, which contributes to it being a comedy. There were many intertwining plots that occurred, where different lovers tried to overcome difficult problems throughout the play. Therefore, I believe that Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice is both a Tragedy and Comedy.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Diary of Anne Frank and Humility

In The Diary of Anne Frank, to show humility to one another could have been a very difficult task in such a terrible time in history. Anne had a hard time cooperating with the people she stayed hidden with for the few years of hiding; her own family and another family. Everyone had their own moments of pride and anger, either if it was being annoyed by someone else, thinking they were having a more miserable life than the others, wanting to pick fights, taking more rations of food or facility time than others, et cetera. It would be hard to live under so much stress during those times, and it would be hard not to think of yourself during your own time of need and care. Although, everyone should or had learned that they weren't the only ones scared and miserable. Everyone was suffering through the same thing. Since that was the case, think of how much they, or we in general, could get along when we consider other people's thoughts, and help them out when they are feeling down, or angry, or upset. People should always have consideration towards each other, and help them out, and not just ourselves. No one is better than anyone.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Diary of Anne Frank Review

I believe that The Diary of Anne Frank play was quite good. I found it entertaining and different. The stage set-up was unique with the different components of two rooms coming forth out of the walls (stairs, tables, beds, doors, etc.). When the actors and singers first pulled them out, it was very neat, and I also found it a bit surprising. I was expecting to see people bringing out the furniture and props used for the play. This way with the props and furniture coming out of the walls, it would be more efficient than having people coming out to reset the set. I found that the different uses of light in the play gave the performance an eerie effect when emphasising Hitler giving his speeches behind the wall, making him look dark and scary. The way they were able to shake the set also added a scary experience, especially when the bombs were going off and the gun shots were going on.
I thought that the acting was good. The actors fit well with their assigned part. Although when I had read a bit of Anne Frank's diary, I wouldn't have thought her as so annoying and energetic. Near the end of the play, I found it had ended a bit suddenly, but that could have been how it had ended in real life. I did not finish reading the book.
I had also noticed that there were a few parts of the diary that had been placed in different spots of play, and a bit was changed or tweaked. Overall, the play was good. I believe that other viewers found the play a bit more emotional than I did, but that is just my opinion.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

"In Portia's Shoes"

If I was in the same position as Portia from The Merchant of Venice, I would not be completely sure if I would follow the instructions my father left me before he died. Knowing myself, I would defiantly not enjoy having a husband I did not choose for myself, or fall in love with, for that matter. I would do whatever I could to marry the man of my choice, who I loved, and who loved me back. Although, I would have to honour my father, and do what is right for the place I would sit in society. Having a man 'win me' is not such a pleasant thought, and I would wish my life not to end up that way. What a miserable life I would live if I let that happen. So if I decided to follow the instructions of my father, I would ask, pray, and look for guidance to help me have the best chance of finding the right husband I would love. Even if it means having to put up with a lottery-type event for my suitors; one of them to be the lucky winner, getting me as his bride.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Self Reflection

My greatest success in this course so far, is being able to understand the technology used for our work. It has been a bit of a struggle for me, since I was always used to handouts and rough drafts of work being done on paper. I am successfully able to do my work quickly over the Internet, and doing it with less stress than the former ways of writing out my assignments.
My greatest challenge in this course so far, is the amount of time given for finishing our tasks and assignments. I find that a lot of my time during week days after school, is given to working on assignments over the Internet. For me, I enjoy to come home and not have homework to do, or very little homework, so than I can spend time with my family, and work on hobbies. Although, the amount of tasks to do gives me more responsibility, and I'm learning to plan my time more efficiently and dedicating more time to my work for school.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Humility- Golden Mean, Excess, Deficiency

Golden Mean of Humility: showing humility is thinking about others before yourself. You don't think highly of yourself or about your rank in society. You are humble and meek.
Excess of Humility: showing an excess of humility is when someone could be very shy and quiet. They may have a lack of participation in things, such as events or discussions. They try not to be noticeable in society.
Deficiency of Humility: showing a deficiency of humility is when people like to think highly of themselves. They may not think of others before themselves. They like to gain attention from others and make themselves noticeable.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Perfect Example of Humility

Golden Mean of Humility: The quality or condition of being humble, modest in opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

The Merchant's Daughter, by Melanie Dickerson
I had found the perfect paragraph that explains humility of Annabel's personality. Lord Ranulf had taken notice of it, and here's a bit of it from the story:

Ranulf hated to think it, but the maiden haunted him too, and he of all people should know better. Her perfect features, her beautiful blue eyes, and her blond hair waving about her shoulders... but it was her kindness to others, her quiet nature and the way she preformed her duties with meekness and without ceremony that had caught his attention. Page 85, paragraph 3.

This is an example of one of my virtue tracking findings I had found in "The Merchant's Daughter". Annabel Chapman is a girl who shows pure humility in all that she does. Many people notice her humility, but use her humbleness as an easy target for harm towards her. She still presses on though, believing that God will provide a way for her to get through the struggles she goes through each day. Some other people also see her humbleness, but see how innocent she is, and the help she needs. The only few people who see this is the Mistress she works with in the kitchen, and her village's lord she's a servant for, Lord Ranulf le Wyse.